Thelma Hobson picture
Thelma Hobson mockup
Wild Flowers

Wild flowers are blooming on my rainforest Country

We got traditional boundaries on our land that not open to visitors. This restricted area is near Chili beach point and we have wild flowers that grow and blossom. Yellow, purple main colors.

Our land is sacred and we only collect what we need. My grandparents and great grandparents camp on the land in certain spots as the soil is mixture of sand and soil. My grandparents taught me that different colors from the wild flowers is a sign of what the fish are in season. We can know if it going to be salmon fish season, jellyfish season, turtle mating season.

The knowledge was passed down by our ancestors and we still practice today. We also collect red, black seed beads from tress along the beach to make traditional jewelry. We can also tell when the wild pigs come around to the fresh seeds that fall off the tree to the sandy soil by their foot prints. The wild pigs are cheeky buggers.

We can also see crocodile foot prints along the sandy beach cost line and its all on our land. We also do smoking ceremony on our land as we follow customary law. Not everyone can do the smoking ceremony. Only certain elders can do smoking ceremony. The wild flowers sway to the wind breeze flow and make my home look lovely.

Size/Medium 85cm x 129cm
